Sunday, January 24, 2010

katie and i hit the streets

first i would like to say....that the pictures are out of any sort of order and pics next to each other don't necessarily relate and that it KILLS me that they are not in order by when they were taken(im ocd about that sort of thing) but i just had to let it happen this time. if you are like me and want to see them in order, you can go to my facebook and they are in order in that album. so sorry they don't really tell a sequential story but are just there to look at.

meet katie. she is my new switzerland friend. she is from utah, just graduated from BYUI aswell and is nannying here too(actually she has the job i first applied for...ironic huh?). we met last tuesday and she called me this saturday to see if i wanted to go to a castle! i said yes mam. she lives across the water from me so we decided to meet in zurich, middle ground. however there was a train mix up on her part and when she got there we decided we weren't 100% sure of where the a castle we just decided the smart thing to do would just be to hang out in zurich! i was all for that. i love zurich! and i am sure these pictures will tell you why. i got there and 3pm and then i caught the 638 train back into Wadenswil so we spent a good amount of time walking around, talking and taking pictures. katie and i plan to go on many adventures together and we hope to venture out of this country even...we will see.

(ps she is looking at her camera in this picture...we decided to take one at the same time)

*reminder you can click on the images to see them larger*

my first purchase ever in switzerland were these two nail polishes from H&M. it had to be done. the zurich H&M was pretty amazing and i wonder if its that good in the states right now. the last few times i went in the states i wasn't too impressed. but this one i wanted to buy everything.
seriously all that is yogurt! and there was more around the corner! they have seriously the most delicious brands of yogurt here. katie and i decided to get dinner at this grocery store in zurich but we got there and it was PACKED so instead we just walked around and decided to eat when we got back to our homes. i wanted to take some pictures of how many people were there but instead i just took this one that looks like the place was empty. hah.
natalie, i talked on these videos just for you(well anyone can watch)...even though i sound lamo. it seriously is so beautiful here and every step has something new to look at. and that new video it sounds like i said i need to put clothes on but really i said gloves. i thought i would make that clarification.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

your videos aren't working so i will have to look at them later. So, where you following the crazy fur lady around? Actually, it kinda looks like a man, lovely. Thanks for all the great photos.