Sunday, February 7, 2010

kiddo update

one night after the girls' bath they came in my room and wanted to make a video. so we did.

i may have snapped a shot of myself.

another day...
i walked in my room and mariah had decided to bring in two backpack loads of her toys into my room. thanks mariah. she went through all that trouble and then only played in there for like 2 min. tyler loved it because he loves being in my room and this time he was allowed to play with the things in there.

another day...
we had an afternoon of putting on headbands(i was not in charge of anna's, she put the two on herself while i put on mariah's) then i painted the girls' nails valentines day style. however, i did not get a picture of anna's nails. i painted alternating pink and red with anna and then on the pink nails i drew red hearts with the fingernail polish. mariah wanted my gold and red alternating. she is chic.

mariah does this squinting thing. its funny.
seriously cute.
there she is with gold and red
there is that eye thing she does. she also does it when she wants her way~ she will close one eye and look around with the other eye to see if you are paying attention to her. ha.
she wanted me to take a picture of her laying down on the table.

at night mariah is put to bed first so that she can fall asleep before anna comes in. otherwise they will talk and play in their beds at night. some of the nights we have played uno, i read to her from shel silverstein or like tonight she wanted to make some videos on my computer.


Olivia Carter said...

Cute kiddos!

And I gotta say you're gonna have a leg up when you have babies after spending time with them like this. I hadn't even babysat (the first newborn baby- really non-toddler baby I ever held was Caidin Farmer- is that sp right?)

monica said...

are you taking about kaitlin's little brother Kade? kade farmer...

well also lucky for me all my sisters have nannied intensely so i have shadowed them a lot in my days. i also nannied a boy once. his name was ryan and he had a lisp. he was a doll.