Saturday, February 20, 2010

Luzern, i knew i loved you

yes, there are THAT many videos posted on here. but it had to be done.

so remember how in the previous post i said i missed out on the festival in Luzern?...well...on tuesday i randomly decided to head back into Luzern(almost didn't bring my nice camera...that would have been a catastrophe). when i walked off the train i saw people in costumes, then i walked a bit further, heard music and then saw the large gatherings of people around the lake. naturally, i was freaking out inside. you have no idea how i happy i was to find Fasnacht! so it turns out Fasnacht is not just a one day event, it is multiple, hence when i went back tuesday i found this(shown below). the costumes are like nothing i have ever seen before, and collectively they all blew my mind. costumes you would not find in the US and even ones you would see like, a pirate or pipeye or a chicken were so much more elaborate and had the essence of swiss. i took over 200 hundred pictures and did not want to post them all...well i wanted to but thought it would be best not to post all of them. i just posted a few, so if you want to see more of what i experienced go HERE i really did have an amazing experience with my fellow Suisse. i felt very lucky to see this part of their culture. i hope you take the time to look at the pictures and/or watch some of the videos.

Fasnacht, it is the German/Suisse version of Mardi Gras, except it is very very different. not only is the actual traditions and festivities different but the manner is different meaning it is a family oriented, safe and respectable celebration unlike the traditions of Mardi Gras(drinking, going crazy, topless women and so on). there were bands/parading, food, wacko costumes, confetti, skits and music.

tomorrow, sunday(and on monday) i will be going to the festivities here in Wadenswil. can't wait to see how my neighbors party!

first Fasnachts i experienced

i wish i knew what was going on in this skit(well of course they are on an airplane...for some reason) kaitlin, can you translate?

can you imagine walking up to this sound and sight?!

okay so these guys were laughing like this...and i don't know if they were serious, drunk or like part of an act. it was bizarre.

this song is often in my head.

the music is coming from across the water

please notice the belly rubber(i think he knew i was watching) and the man with the pink umbrella

notice on the top of those stairs to the right is the flags i took a picture of last time i was in Luzern

i was beaming when a little pirate boy threw confetti on me. this was the moment i felt a part of the celebration.

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