Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Egypt- Day 7

{journal entry}

Day 7
it is really hard leaving a place i know i will {most likely} never come back to. it hurts my stomach a bit that i am leaving egypt, my love.


The Quigleys said...

I just read ALL of your Egypt posts, great job Monica. It sounds like so fun. I am so excited for you. I can't wait to see your stuff. Love you.

kaitlin said...

ya a. agree with alicia, can't WAIT to see all of your things. if i understood right you got some cool necklace or something right?! can't WAIT to see that.
b. ya how hard to leave that place. but wow what an experience! seriously! good thing you took such good notes so you can remember all of it so well.

like i always say, sedip!