Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Egypt- Day 4

{journal entry}

Day 4 wednesday

after the pool yesterday i came back to the hotel room and put on my tennis shoes and went for a walk. then i came back to shower. oh how i loved that i showered. then it was pretty lame. we stayed in for the night so Roberta walked "into town" to bring back dinner. boring. oh well. then since i sleep on the couch, i was trying to sleep while Rob & Roberta were in the living room on their laptop. but i wouldn't have been able to sleep anyway i had a lot on my mind plus a tickle in my throat & a stuffy nose. but finally i fell asleep. but of course woke up at a few obnoxious hours. however, i was able to hear someone singing a native song outside pretty loud. it was either at 4:45 or 5:45...i was up every hour starting at 3am.

rob & roberta are on an excursion to Luxor today. i have the kids all day. at about 6:30 tyler woke up. luckily no explosion in his diaper. then he snuggled with me for about a half hour. then once the girls were up awake we all got dressed and ready and went to breakfast. i think we got there at 830am. my favorite server wasn't there! i was totally bummed. must be his morning off? then i ordered my breakfast box for my trip tomorrow. neither of the girls wanted to go to the kids club so we just went to the park for 1/2 hour then came back to the hotel room so i could put tyler down for his nap. he was a snuggle boy again and was falling asleep in my arms. he has been sick-occasionly will throw up, diarrhea and yesterday i noticed he had a stomach rash. i suggested that maybe he was dehydrated. but today he has been better. he has been asleep and the girls are watching cartoons. pretty much today is going to be lame because the park is kinda far and i can either die of sweat carrying tyler while the girls and i walk there or take the stroller which would mean trying to get it up and down the stairs to our room by myself. i have done both before. i guess it can be done again.

the parents get back late tonight from their trip- i hope they have cash to give me s i have some money tomorrow on my trop. there is a time on the trip we will get to do a bit of shopping. i need souvenirs!

now it is 130 in the afternoon. so far we are surviving. tyler would only eat half a banana for lunch and that was after several tries. he just isn't feeling like eating. sorry bud. but now he is in his nap. the girls are watching cartoons & i am out on the porch sitting in the sun writing and listening to 'replay' by sean kingston "its like my ipod is stuck on replay". i really want to dance. i miss it.

just changed tylers stinky diaper. good thing i felt like i should check on him and followed through. do you know how many times these last few months that has happened? that i have felt like i have needed to do something or be somewhere and good thing i followed through. many times. for example, yesterday on my walk i decided i should stop by the pool, where roberta was alone with the kids, and say hi. good thing because tyler ended up barfing twice and i was there to help.

i forgot to mention at the beach/red sea even in the shallow part, close to the shore fish come swim up close. yesterday, when we were there a big fish came over and a ton of people were trying to get a look. i couldn't get too close cuz i didn't want to get my shorts i was wearing wet. but while i was watching i did see a school of little white fish swim past me.

i have many bites from flies on my feet and legs. luckily, they don't itch. i have no idea when they even happened. you cant feel it when they bite. there is one next to me right now that is large w/big red eyes. we are doing a stare down.

i am excited to go on my cairo excursion tomorrow, but i just hate doing something that has me trapped. i will be gone from 430 am till 9pm. but i am sure i will love every second of it and it will go too fast.

it is now after 8pm. the kids have been asleep since 6:30. i put them to bed asap after dinner because of the following...

anna & mariah have been whiney, complaining, fussy all day. after we went tot eh park this afternoon(which i brought the stroller) as we were leaving the girls ran and ran around the pool and would not stop when i told them to. every time i got closer they would run off. i was very disappointed in their behavior-they know they need to stop when told. so finally once i got them i told them that was not okay, that they needed to listen to me, that they cant just run around by a pool where people are walking around. i told them right after dinner they needed to go to bed. so after dinner, they got in their pjs, helped me pick up the living rom (got a cookie for helping clean) then went straight to bed. both fell asleep pretty quick.

tyler barely ate anything all day. things he normally likes. he just has this couch that makes him spit out his food. i think he just doesn't want to eat it cus of it. finally he became super fussy s i just gave him his bottle and rocked him till he was ready for his bed. he was tired and was in bed by 6.

what a day! def not my favorite.

oh and i showered again, what a treat. either the water here or the new Herbel Essences(i bought to bring to egypt) makes my hair very smooth and shiny. a good shiny, not a greasy shiny.

i hardly ate anything all day because there really isn't any food. they forgot to leave me money and i was too frazzled all day to order in. i'm so hungry!

our villa. two rooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, 3 tvs, 2 decks, front porch, great view, great location,

the gathering of people looking at the fish that swam up
the view from one of our back porches
sat on the porch writing in my journal

1 comment:

kaitlin said...

hah doing a stare down. andd bummer that the day was relatively poopy. everyone sick and not listening well? not good.