Tuesday, March 9, 2010

egypt my love.

well i did it. i went to egypt. as i sit here on the tuesday after i cannot believe it is over. my months of anticipation for this momentous event is complete. i have walked on ground that i only thought was reserved for my dreams. i had a great week. i loved the sun, the people, the sea, the museum and being amongst the pyramids. it was all very surreal and i came back much more appreciative of the life i live. i was again reminded that i have been thoroughly blessed to be from a country that allows me such great opportunities and also is clean and beautiful. cairo was definitely a reminder of this and an eye opener to how many people live. we all live different lives and have different challenges. i love being able to recognize this and make it a part of my life. i wish everyone could see what my eyes have seen.

following are 7 posts of the journal entries i wrote each day i was in egypt. i didn't ever want to forget my time there. today i spent typing them up. so if you want to know details from my trip read up! keep in mind its a journal entry...so formatted as such.

and yes, i did "walk like an egyptian".


Savanna said...

Monica - I read every part of this trip, because you did something I wish I could do. In the future we will go again and you can be my tour guide. I commend you for being so brave and going there by yourself, that's scary. I loved every part of your journal entries. Brava!

Olivia Carter said...

I read all this trip too! I've wanted to go to Egypt so bad. Now, you've made me want to go more.

Glad you had a blast & I love the pics

Natalie said...

What is with Egypt and the way it captivates people? Why do so many of us have dreams to go to Egypt? Mine started in 3rd grade. Tears came to my eyes as I read this, because I am so happy you got to do something so amazing! Bravo!

Julene said...

Egypt looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool. omg, i should be there right now. look how cool it is, i belong there. or it belongs here. yes, that is it, i think egypt should follow me everywhere i go.

Mark. said...

magical. So many good...

Julie said...

awesome monica!! that's so cool that you got to fufill a dream of yours!