Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Egypt- Day 1

{journal entry}

Day 1

I AM IN EGYPT! it's true. right now i am being kissed by the egyptian sun while the nice breeze hits my body. i am sitting on our front porch, where the sun is, with my feet up and just lounging, getting tan and listening to colbie caillat.

in front of me is our large resort, a supermarket, buses, trucks and people walking by. far off, not too far, i can see the Red Sea and a hill with probably homes of people who live here in Sharm. the driver that took us from the hotel lobby up to our villa the first night told us that Sharm really only has been around for 25 years. pretty much everyone who lives here come from Cairo or some other surrounding area.

it is february so the sun is warm, but not the hottest it gets here. as much as i like a nice breeze when i tan, i also like to feel my skin changing color and i like to see the glisten of sweat on my skin as it soaks in the rays.

it is peaceful here. i hear birds, some hammering. there is a new resort of some sort being built up the hill. i hear the palm trees rustling in the wind.

last night roberta and i went to the supermarket to get some things. it was a bit sketch-it is part of our resort-but the men in there were pretty funny. they convinced us to buy fresh squeezed milk- the guy was making motions as if he himself was milking the cow trying to explain it was fresh. he said it was delicious. so we will see.(never ended up drinking some) i can barely drink skim milk these days let alone fresh out of the cow...also it was in a pouch rather than a carton.

this morning we went to breakfast-which was chaotic-paid our excursion trips off, walked around for a bit then returned back to our villa to get swim suited up. about 50 steps next to us is a heated pool. when we walked up to it michael jackson was playing. thanks mj. we were only there for an hour then came back & had lunch. now here i am.

let me back track to our journey here...
we left our home in Wadenswil at about 6:15am. our journey began in the dark of the morning. the kids were surprisingly content and remainded that way pretty much throughout the 3 hour drive to Geneva. we stopped outside of geneva so rob and roberta could look at a house they will be moving in a few months to the geneva area. i played with the kids outside while they did that. there was a bit of red light green light and mother may i action going on. we piled back in the car and sometimes it really is a pile back, made a quick trip to Mcdonalds, then headed to the Geneva airport. they were so good in the car that i was convinced they saved all their chaos for the plane. however, i was wrong. the plane ride was (almost) a breeze. i thanked all those lucky stars. (at the end tyler had one freak out when he saw his bottle and wanted it...but we didn't have water....so i rushed to the back and bought some) tyler slept for the majority of the ride, again thanks lucky stars. the girls were great and there were actually quite a lot of toddlers on the plane. about 10 including our 3. there was this really good looking group of guys standing behind me getting on the plane and one of them sat next to me in the other row on the plane. he slept the whole time and didn't see a paper he had to fill out to give to customs. when we were landing he woke up and i decided i should tell him. his friends were sitting a few rows back. i asked him if he spoke english and he did. so i told him and he looked back at his friends to see if they did it. so he filled it out asked me a question and that was that. he was very cute and was german. he wore a beach type fedora hat and dvs tennis shoes. also during the flight i took mariah up and down the aisles a few times and once she decided to stop right by the other guys. me and the guys had a little laugh with one another. so bff right? so naturally they got off the plane and they went their separate way. WELL as i was sitting here up on the balcony the SAME group of guys passed by down below. of alll the places they could have gone here in egypt they wound up at our hotel. how funny. but i will find them again so they know i am here, naturally. who would pass up a group of 6 good looking german guys? not i. even despite my plot to find me an egyptian, marry him and move to egypt and raise half egyptian babies. (well it turns out i never saw them again UNTIL they were on our same flight back to geneva. funny)

our server at dinner last night i think is about to volunteer to provide the above service. at one point it was just me and tyler at the table(we ate at a restaurant at the resort) and he/mohamed came to bring the food. he asked if tyler was a girl or boy-ha- i said boy, that he just has curly hair. he asked if it was my baby, i said no. he asked if i was married, i said no. just then before he could ask me to marry him(i'm sure) they all came back to the table. that may have been my one chance...so maybe that ring on his finger meant something other than marriage. its okay to pretend me and mohamed almost ran off together. (i hope as you read this you know my sense of humor otherwise i would sound like a dope right now...or maybe i still do?) if things don't work out with mohamed i have seen my far share of good looking egyptian men already.

i just took a sip of really warm water. that's the worst. we have to drink bottled water here or we could die. okay not die just get sick which might as well be death. having things erupt our of my body while in egypt might as well be death.

clouds are coming. the sky went from bright/dark blue to a white blue as the sun hides behind just letting it happen. sun, i thought you and i had an agreement. but i guess even the sun needs a break.

our villa is up on higher ground as well as on the second floor so i have a beautiful view of our surroundings.

i am not gonna lie, for day 1 i have a pretty nice golden tan already. thanks ancestors for my unbelievably easily tanned skin.

up the hill where they are building i hear the sweet sound of "we will, we will rock you" those american songs never escape you.

i just came back from the bathroom, you know a mirror is there, and my little tan is actually a pretty marvelous one. i could call it quits if i waned to but i'm no fool...out in the sun i go. but then again you are always more tan in a dark bathroom. i have my own bathroom, fancy right? wrong. its my own because i am the only one brave enough to use it. it is a tad on the ghetto side. the standing shower is questionable and the sink is basically on top of the toilets. i could sit and use the bathroom and wash my hands at the same time. i am a multi-tasker why not? that's probably what they were thinking, it's the multi-tasker bathroom. they knew i was coming.

this colbie caillat is just as good in egypt as she is anywhere. no borders can break apart this love.

HAHA i almost forgot to mention one of the funniest things i have seen. i hope i can do what i saw justice. please try to visualize. so you know how its a tad scary for a young child to make that first hop onto an escalator, who am i kidding? i am still hesitant harriot. so i helped mariah (the 3 year old) hop onto the escalator because she was too scared herself. then a bit later we came to one of those flat moving walkways. mariah somehow decided to do it herself not realizing what it was. gosh, i am laughing just thinking about it. so clearly the second she steps down she thinks it is an escalator and falls down out of panic which then brings her to laying on her stomach. so there she is on her stomach and freaking out trying to reach for something thinking something on this moving vehicle is going to suck her in. then she realizes she can stand up. the shear panic on her face and the frantic search to find something to grab a hold of was pretty priceless. naturally as she was experiencing terror i was laughing.

last night at dinner we had to write down our room number to pay for dinner. rob and roberta couldn't remember so i said, well i think its 4187. like i am pretty sure. i have a pretty good photographic memory, but did only look once. so they decided to go with that. but, if it was me i would have made certain. so we leave the restaurant as we are away mohamed runs back to us and says we have the wrong number. i warned them. rob went to go check at the front desk. it was 8147. i was close.

oh look! a man on a camel coming towards me.

last night i had to remind myself to breath and stay calm. being in egypt, my love, has got me quite a bit happy. i am sooo blessed to be where my dreams have always taken me. that man upstairs truly knows my heart and has throughout my life spoiled this heart of mine.

relaxing by the pool. i can handle that.

our view from our front porch.
the view to the left of the porch
the view to the right of the porch...and the far right of the picture is where they are building another resort.
red sea in sight
unloading the much needed bottled water
there is that camel. first camel spotting of the trip.

1 comment:

kaitlin said...

a. "hesitant harriot" haha can totally picture that so funny.
b. good job hot german boys! too bad you couldn't find them again.
c. good thing we tan easily. i mean YOU more than me but def us both more than other folks.
