Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Egypt- Day 2

{journal entry}

Day 2

today is monday in egypt, my love.

after writing yesterday we all went "into town"/beach that consisted of us crossing over a busy street to the other hilton hotel. we went and found the breach. it was so close and the water was just right there. it was a windy evening so not really anyone was on the beach. we were. with our feet in the sand, waves crashed up against them, big waves. it was such a beautiful sight. boats in the water being lifted up and down from the waves, beautiful egyptian homes on the ills. if i had my wish i would be the only one in that spot everyday. an egyptian worker tried to get my attention. he looked like he had purchased his clothes from american eagle and i think he was attracted to my tomato colored skin. he tried getting my attention a few times after that. my plot to find me an egyptian husband might be easier than i thought.

after we played at the beach and the big park there-we went "into town". i put that in quotes because it was basically a few roads of stores. but oh those streets were hopping and felt like a mix between vegas and china. we ate dinner at pizza hut. i had a delicious flat crusted supreme pizza(even though i ordered a chicken supreme) and a diet pepsi. it felt great to have american food. then we went back to our hotel and got waffle cones with Moverpick ice cream. its a swiss brand that i guess is the sweetest and the most cream filled ice cream(we had it a few weeks ago for robs bday). i got blackberry. it was delicious. then we came back to the villa and got ready for bed.

this morning, monday, i rob & roberta left at 6am to go hike up Mt. Sinai, you know the 10 Commandments. so i have had the kids all morning and afternoon. its after 2pm right now and they should have been back by now.

this morning i got the kids up-tyler managed to explode the contents out of his diaper. thanks. but finally we made it to the place with our buffet breakfast. of course it was just me w/all 3 of them and since yesterday's breakfast was a disaster i was a tad worried to do it on my own. but i told the girls if they could sit in their seats and not get up and be so good while i got them breakfast that i would take them to the park later. so thats what they did. they were great! hardly made a mess and unlike yesterday no glasses broke. tyler just came up with me to get the plates of food. i barely ate anything. i just ate a few bites of waffles the girls didn't eat then a small glass of carrot/orange juice. then we left. i took the kids to the kids club aka day care. mariah was shy and didn't want to stay without me. i told her to give it a try and if she was still shy she could come back with me. so i stayed with them for about 30 min while the 3 of them played. then it was time for me to head back to the villa to give tyler a nap. so mariah came with us and anna stayed. tyler went for a nap and i started this days journal entry while mariah played with playdo. then when tyler woke up we went and got anna followed by some park time. they sure earned it. while we were there 2 guys, the hotel photographers, came and took pics of the kids. a tad awkward. the guys spoke little english. later we left the park to go back and have lunch and put tyler down for a nap. the cleaning guys came. i told them they could come clean but not to go in the bathroom...tyler sleeps there. yup, he slept in the bathroom.

one of the cleaning guys-who came yesterday too- told anna and me that our eyes were beautiful. i would agree, my eyes are lovely. kind of you to notice. at the end he placed flowers on our beds and wanted to show me. he asked which bed was mine, i said actually the sofa. then he kissed my hand..like i said this getting an egyptian hubby might work.

now it is after 3pm and they aren't back. hopefully everything is fine. i am out on one of our back balcony's sitting in the sun. there was no sign of the german guys today(yet) but i did spot mohamed, you know from the first night. if you didn't know i have picked up that mohamed is a very common name. okay, so i have only encountered it a few times so far.

the parents have arrived. we are now all at the pool. clearly its after 4pm now and that silly sun is hiding behind large cumulous clouds-yes, i remember my name of clouds from teaching it at girls camp back in the day.

i am sitting outside the pool watching the woolley clan dance to shake it by outcast inside the pool.

which reminds me i have yet to "walk like an egyptian" however i have watched many egyptians walk.

may i add that my feet are very dirty and my reef sandals are about to call it quits. they have done me well for over 5 years. they remind me of my days at Lochearn where just about every camper had them which in turn convinced steph and me to purchase a pair after camp. never again to purchase cheap old navy flip flops. okay thats a lie, i bought a pair of gold ones once. gold! it had to be done.

i am writing in my journal i got for christmas(thanks laurie) and my hand writing is near unlegible. might as well be arabic. i don't know what my problem is. when something is placed in front of me i could write and write. as you have noticed. my hands are just trying to keep up with my brain. this reminds me of one of my favorite quotes "sue what are you writing?" "oh everything, everything that you're saying, everything that is going on" "sue, these are scribbles"

it is now evening. we just returned from another evening "in town". we went to dinner at Hard Rock Cafe. i think that may be my first time? i had a honey mustard grilled chicken sandwich. yum. i enjoyed watching the english music videos on the flat screen above our table. on our walk back i was majorly hit on. i was walking with roberta, who he didn't even look at, even though she is far more beautiful.

our conversation went something like this...all while if i hadn't been successfully sunburnt on my cheeks he would have seen me blush.

man-oh, you're beautiful
monica-thanks(blushing behind burnt cheeks)
man- do you need a taxi?
man-where are you going?
monica- we have a hotel
roberta-we are fine thanks
man- well come do something with me tonight
monica- umm no sorry
man- oh come on, i like you, you like me, why not?
roberta- she has a boyfriend
man-oh, sorry okay bye

i thanked roberta. roberta and i had a good laugh. she was like you are going to get hit on, i said it wasn't the first time. rob was far up in front of us so it just looked like 2 girls walking together. most women walked in large groups or with their male counterparts. i look pretty single walking around with a family that looks like i am not related to. clearly i wasn't the first nor the last to receive one of his compliments. my plot to get me an egyptian is just at my fingertips....if only it wasn't for my total absence of interest when they do approach me...as good looking as they are. if only i didn't just really know the majority of these guys are skeezes.

when we got home my pj's were put on quite strategically in the peanut sized bathroom i and the pigeons outside the window call our own. then made my way to the back porch where i write now with my ipod playing in one ear and the sounds of life in the other. the mosquitos are quicker here. i love being outside. my only request at this very moment would be to have more stars sparkling right now. i think the one mosquito informed his posy i was here. they have arrived. tooo many. going inside. that is all for day 2.


on this street is where i met the man i had the convo with.

1 comment:

kaitlin said...

-laurie like my laurie?
-haha oh my gosh seriously? thanks roberta for saving my friend monica.
-haha "might as well be arabic"
-love the surprise party references
-too bad about your flip flops, i sure liked those ones.